zaterdag 4 mei 2013

Cars.. What else?

Well, if the title of this blog didn't give anything away, CARS. CARS CARS?! CARS?!!! yes. Cars. I like them. I love them. I... yep. (I even get hyper typing about 'em..)
Mostly pick-up trucks, and giant SUVs, but I also have a weakness for classic cars and smaller cars. 
Here are some of my favourite cars, starting off with the big beasts..

the Lincoln MKC SUV

And a popular one, the Dodge Ram 1500

The next one I'd like to show you is a truck that I have never seen in real-life - which is probably a good thing, because I might cause traffic jams or accidents - but it's the biggest crush I've had on a truck in a while, and that means something... I think.. 
Here she is, the FORD F-150 Raptor... drool and wave, boys!
Now you may have noticed I’m not really brand-oriented with cars. I kinda like all the brands, some more than others though.
I am not really farmiliar with all the technical specifications of these cars, and they are probably not the most environmental friendly, but hey, the heart wants what it wants.

Coming soon, the classic/muscle cars…

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